Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rubik's Cube !!!

Bile tengok je tajuk post ni ape yg telintas kt fikiran korg??
> kiub petak yg warna warni?
> kiub petak yg bleh dipusing2 ske2 ati?
> kiub petak yg menyaketkn ati??
haha.. walau apepun pndapat korang kat rubik's cube tu penah x korang dpt selesaikan kiub tu??
sehingga ke saat post ni dipublish pon aku still x dapat lagi nk selesaikan kiub tu dgn care yg btol.. iaitu putar2 kiub tu smpai dapat sume kaler yg same pada setiap muke.. padahal dgn care menipu da bnyk kali da aku dapat selesaikan..(tapi bukan aku sebenarnye yg selesaikan tu) gamba rubik's cube yg da disiapkan..

kalau bekesampatan aku ingat nk uplod plak la video pasal care2 nk selesaikan misteri Rubik's Cube..(menurut Dan Brown) tp lau korang nk tgok video tu sndiri klik la kt link bwh ni Part 1 Part 2
nila video tebaik yg ak rase bleh dipecayai..

Bwh ni ak sertakan langkah nk selesaikan kiub tu.. tp ak x penah lak try.. lepas ni kot bru nk cube.. =P

  1. Familiarize yourself with the Notations.
  2. Choose one face to start with. In the examples that will follow, the color for the first layer is white. Remember the first part is the hardest
  3. First Layer

    1. Solve the cross : place in their correct position the four edge pieces that contain white. You should be able to do this by yourself without needing algorithms. All four edge pieces can be placed in a maximum of 8 moves (5 or 6 in general).
    2. Place the cross at the bottom.
    3. Solve the four corners of the first layer, one by one. At the end of this step, the first layer should be complete, with a solid color (in this case, white) at the bottom. You should also be able to place the corners without needing algorithms. To get you started, here is an example of one corner being solved:

    4. Your cube should now have the first layer complete and look like this (from the bottom side) :
  4. Middle Layer

    1. Place the four edges of the middle layer, one by one. Those edge pieces are the ones that do not contain yellow in our example. You need to know only one algorithm to solve the middle layer. The second algorithm is symmetrical to the first.

      • If the edge piece is located in the last layer :

        Image:Rubik_ML_1_995.pngImage:HUL_668.png Image:VRU_128.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:VRD_231.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:FCCW_690.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:FCW_465.png (1.a)
        Image:Rubik_ML_2_778.pngImage:HUR_929.png Image:VLU_765.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:VLD_114.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:FCW_465.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:FCCW_690.png (1.b)
        symmetrical to (1.a)
      • If the edge piece is in the middle layer but in the wrong place or with the wrong orientation, simply use the same algorithm to place any other edge piece in its position. Your edge piece will then be in the last layer, and you just have to use the algorithm again to position it properly in the middle layer.
    2. Your cube should now have the first two layers complete and look like this (from the bottom side) :
  5. Last layer

    1. Permute the corners. At this step, our goal is to place the corners of the last layer in their correct position, regardless of their orientation.

      1. Locate two adjacent corners that share a color other than the color of the top layer (other than yellow in our case).
      2. Turn the top layer until these two corners are on the correct color side, facing you. For instance, if the two adjacent corners both contain red, turn the top layer until those two corners are on the red side of the cube. Note that on the other side, the two corners of the top layer will both contain the color of that side as well (orange in our example).
      3. Determine whether the two corners of the front side are in their correct position, and swap them if needed. In our example, the right side is green, and the left side is blue. Therefore the front corner on the right must contain green, and the front corner on the left must contain blue. If it is not the case, you will need to swap those two corners with the following algorithm:

        Swap 1 and 2 :Image:VLU_765.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:VLD_114.png Image:FCW_465.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:FCCW_690.png Image:VLU_765.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:VLD_114.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:HUL_668.png(2.a)
      4. Do the same with the two corners at the back. Turn the cube around to place the other side (orange) in front of you. Swap the two front corners if needed.
      5. As an alternative, if you notice that both the front pair and the back pair of corners need to be swapped, you can do it with only one algorithm (note the huge similarity with the previous algorithm):

        Swap 1 and 3 :Image:VLU_765.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:VLD_114.png Image:FCW_465.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:FCCW_690.png Image:VLU_765.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:VLD_114.png(2.b)
    2. Orient the corners. Locate each top color facelet of the corners (yellow in our case). You need to know only one algorithm to orient the corners :

      Image:Rubik_LL_Corners_Orient11_237.png Image:Rubik_LL_Corners_Orient12_951.pngImage:VRU_128.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:VRD_231.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:VRU_128.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:VRD_231.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:HUL_668.png(3.a)
      The algorithm will rotate 3 corners on themselves at once (from the side to the top). The blue arrows show which 3 corners you are turning, and in which direction (clockwise). If the yellow stickers are the way shown on the pictures and you perform the algorithm once, you should end up with the four yellow stickers on top :

      It is also convenient to use the symmetrical algorithm (here the red arrows are counter-clockwise turns):

      Image:Rubik_LL_Corners_Orient21_209.png Image:Rubik_LL_Corners_Orient22_925.pngImage:VLU_765.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:VLD_114.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:VLU_765.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:VLD_114.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:HUR_929.png
      Symmetrical to (3.a)

      Note : performing twice one of these algorithms is equivalent to performing the other.

      In some cases, you will need to perform the algorithm more than once :
      • 2 correctly oriented corners :
      • no correctly oriented corner :

        Or more generally, apply (3.a) in those cases :
        Two correctly oriented corners :Image:Rubik_LL_OC_2c_116.png
        No correctly oriented corner :Image:Rubik_LL_OC_0c_870.png
    3. Permute the edges. You will need to know only one algorithm for this step. Check whether one or several edges are already in the correct position (the orientation does not matter at this point).

      • If all the edges are in their correct positions, you are done for this step.
      • If one edge only is correctly positioned, use the following algorithm :

        Image:Rubik_LL_EP_11_863.pngImage:Rubik_LL_EP_12_216.pngImage:VMU_830.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:VMD_671.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:VMU_830.png Image:HUR_929.png Image:VMD_671.png(4.a)

        or its symmetrical :

        Image:Rubik_LL_EP_21_608.pngImage:Rubik_LL_EP_22_334.pngImage:VMU_830.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:VMD_671.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:VMU_830.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:VMD_671.png
        Symmetrical to (4.a)

        Note : performing twice one of these algorithms is equivalent to performing the other.
      • If all four edges are incorrectly positioned, perform one of the two algorithms once from any side. You will then have only one edge correctly positioned.
    4. Orient the edges. You will need to know two algorithms for that last step :

      Image:Rubik_LL_EO_11_599.pngImage:Rubik_LL_EO_12_218.pngDedmore "H" Pattern
      Image:VRD_231.png Image:HML_291.png Image:VRU_128.png Image:VRU_128.png Image:HMR_429.png Image:HMR_429.png Image:VRD_231.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:VRU_128.png Image:HMR_429.png Image:HMR_429.png Image:VRD_231.png Image:VRD_231.png Image:HMR_429.png Image:VRU_128.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:HUL_668.png (5)
      Image:Rubik_LL_EO_21_958.pngImage:Rubik_LL_EO_22_808.pngDedmore "Fish" Pattern
      Image:FCW_465.png Image:HML_291.png Image:VRU_128.png Image:VRU_128.png Image:HMR_429.png Image:HMR_429.png Image:VRD_231.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:VRU_128.png Image:HMR_429.png Image:HMR_429.png Image:VRD_231.png Image:VRD_231.png Image:HMR_429.png Image:VRU_128.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:HUL_668.png Image:VRD_231.png Image:FCCW_690.png (6)

      Note the DOWN, LEFT, UP, RIGHT, sequence to most of the Dedmore "H" and "Fish" algorithms.

      Note you really have only one algorithm to remember since :
      (6) =Image:FCW_465.png Image:VRU_128.png+ (5) +Image:VRD_231.png Image:FCCW_690.png

      If all four edges are flipped, perform the "H" pattern algorithm from any side, and you will have to perform that algorithm one more time to solve the cube.
so, kepade sape2 yg tgh berusaha nk selesaikan kiub ni Ganbatte-lah..
Arap2 korg dptla selesaikn kiub yang pening mening tu ek..
smpai jmpe lgi..
p/s: lau korang sukses selesaikan kiub tu dgn care kt ats ni inform ak ek?? jgn segan-silu nk tinggalkn komen k??